Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3) Read online

Page 6

  I let the hot water fill the bathroom with steam before I undressed and slipped under the water. My body instantly relaxed under the steady stream and I tipped my head back just enough to let the waterfall down my hair and onto my backside. Oh how I had missed warm showers. The shower at the hospital was nice, but I learned rather quickly not to take too long, because the water went from hot to ice cold in a matter of minutes.

  I wasn't supposed to get my bandages soaked, so I didn't stay in as long as I would have liked to, but the few minutes I had were so well worth it. I shut the water off and wrapped a towel around my body before I made my way into our closet. I was still really sore so I opted for a pair of loose fitting yoga pants and a baggy off the shoulder T-shirt. I ran a brush through my hair and swiped a small amount of mascara on my lashes and then made my way downstairs.

  The intoxicating aroma of coffee floated up the stairs, assaulting my nostrils. I sped up the process of getting down the stairs when I heard voices filtering through the air. I could make out Hannah's, Theo's and Gray's, but the third one wasn't one I was familiar with. As I turned the corner to head into the kitchen, I stopped mid stride taking in the scene playing out before me. The voice I hadn't recognized belonged to one Ryan Ackerman. And to my utter disbelief, he was situated between Hannah and Theo at the dining room table.

  "Well good morning sleepy head. How did you sleep?" Gray's voice was like velvet and it did things to me that I sometimes wish it didn't. Only because it always seemed to make me blush in front of people I didn't know very well. Gray made his way over to me with Daniel fast asleep in his arms.

  "I slept good. I could've gotten up with him."

  "It's okay. My girl needed some rest." Gray kissed me deeply and if we didn't have to wait six fucking weeks, I would've taken him right then and there.

  "What's going on here?" I whispered as I pointed in the direction of the people gathered around our table.

  "Oh just wait. I'll let them explain it all to you."

  "Sounds intriguing."

  Hannah was next to come over and greet me with a kiss on the cheek and big hug. Theo was right behind her, patiently waiting his turn. After all of the affection, I made my way over to the table and slowly sipped on the fresh cup of coffee my husband had made for me.

  "Hi Bennett. Nice to see you again. How are you feeling?" I had never noticed before how tall Ryan actually was, until I was standing next to him as he gave me a quick hug.

  "I'm feeling good. How are you?"

  "I'm doing great. Just glad Theo is giving me a chance to explain a few things."

  We both sat down and I'm sure the confused expression on my face wasn't lost on anyone. "So, does someone want to tell me what's going on? Oh wait, what time is it? Gray we need to get Daniel to the doctor by nine."

  "I already took him. Dr. Ray says he looks perfect and to come back in a week or call if there are any issues."

  "You truly are amazing, you know that right?"

  "Of course." He laughed.

  "Well, I guess I'll start." Hannah's voice broke through Gray's laughter. "I have an announcement to make to everyone, so listen up. I'm pregnant. Three months along to be exact and yes, it is Theo's."

  I sat back in shock. Hannah had hinted to me that she had been feeling off the last couple of months, but never in a million years did I think that this was why. Hannah was the last person who wanted kids of her own and I honestly never pegged Theo for wanting to be a dad.

  "I know what you're thinking, but I'm happy about this." She made her way over to Theo and sat on his lap. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but we were fighting so much and you were barely around. I knew you never really thought about having kids, hell I didn't think I wanted kids either."

  Theo glanced over at Ryan, "So how does he fit into all of this?"

  "When I first found out, I didn't want to go to my regular doctor, mainly because I wasn't sure I was going to keep it. Now before you freak out, just let me explain. I knew that Ryan's fiancé was an OB-GYN, so I went to him and asked that this be kept quiet until I decided what to do. I've been seeing her since I found out."

  "Wait, you're engaged?" Theo pointed right at Ryan.

  He laughed. "Yeah, for a year now. I tried to tell you that. Hannah even tried to tell you that, but I get it. It's hard to see past what a picture may show you."

  "I don't even know what to say. I guess, I'm sorry."

  "Honestly, I probably would've thought the same thing. I can see how the situation looked, you know a good looking guy like me and a great looking girl like Hannah." We all looked at Ryan in amazement. No one had ever talked to Theo the way he was. "I'm just joking man. It was never like that. We were only talking so much because Sarah, my fiancé, was having me relay information about tests and what not."

  "I like you, Ryan. You're a cool guy and anyone who can talk to Theo like that is always welcome in my house."

  Theo gave Gray a cross look, but then shortly broke into laughter right along with him and Ryan. I was slowly starting to realize that Ryan and his fiancé might become a permanent fixture in this group.

  "Okay, so now that we have all of that sorted out, I think. Hannah what are you going to do?" I was worried about my best friend. I knew how she felt about being a mom, especially given the fact that her mom wasn't the best around.

  She glanced up at Theo and kissed him on the cheek before answering me. "I'm going to take my boyfriend home and talk to him about it. We're going to figure this out together."

  Gray's arm snaked around my waist, pulling my chair right next to his. I smiled up at him feeling like the luckiest girl in the world. Although we had been through our fair share of shit over the last couple of years, I found myself being grateful for where we were at now. We all focused on Theo waiting for him to respond, but he was busy making googily eyes at Hannah.

  "I think my work here is done. Thanks for letting me come over to explain, or at least be part of the explanation." Ryan stood and shook Theo's hand and then Gray's. "Congrats again, man. As soon as Bennett is feeling up to it, come by my new restaurant. Dinner is on me."

  "Sounds good to me, man. Thanks again for your help. And we would love to meet your fiancé, so feel free to bring her by anytime."

  "Thanks. I'll see you guys soon."

  Gray walked Ryan to the door and I followed so I could get the chance to hold my son. When I approached Gray, he turned his body so I couldn't reach for Daniel. "You have to pay the toll first, Button."

  My hand slid down the front of his jeans. I cupped his most prized possession and gave it a gentle squeeze. "How about you give me my son, and then I'll do something nice for you later."

  "Oh I'm liking that idea."

  My lips grazed his and just as he was going in for a kiss, I quickly pulled back. "Hand over my son, Mr. Weston." My hand tightened over his semi hard length.

  Gray's lips moved excruciatingly slow over to my earlobe, "You don't play fair, Mrs. Weston."

  "I never have." I smiled against his neck before playfully biting the side of it.

  "Tease." He whispered as he placed Daniel in my arms.

  "You know it." I smiled as I walked into the living room to join my daughter on the couch where she was happily watching some cartoons.

  This was home, my home. This was my family, and it was the best family a girl could ask for. I glanced over the back of the couch at Theo and Hannah still wrapped up in each other, and I just knew that they would make great parents, if that's what they chose to do. They could both fight it as much as they wanted to, but I knew they both wanted this.



  "Theo, are you almost ready?" I swear he took longer to get ready than a damn girl.

  "Yeah, fuck. Stop rushing me."

  I paced back and forth in Hannah and Theo's living room, as I was waiting very impatiently for him to finish getting dressed, or do his hair or whatever the fuck he was doing. The last week had been a blur of events. B
ennett and I had to take Daniel into the doctor one more time. Bennett had to go in for a check-up when one of her stitches popped, and Hannah had been at our house practically every day wanting to know our opinion on her and Theo's current "situation". It was exhausting, but I loved every bit of it.

  "Alright, I'm ready. Let's go."

  Theo appeared at my side dressed in an all black suit and black tie. "You look good, man. Now let's go." We made our way out to the black limo that had been waiting for us for at least thirty minutes. That was definitely going to cost extra. "Now, you sure you don't want to just surprise her with a wedding like I did?" I couldn't contain the amount of laughter that followed that comment. Hannah would have Theo's balls if he ever tried anything like that.

  "I think I'm good. I like my balls too much to try that shit."

  Twenty minutes later, we were pulling up in front of my house to grab the girls. Bennett wasn't too thrilled to be leaving her kids only two weeks after having Daniel, but Ryan's fiancé had offered to watch them and well, who wouldn't feel comfortable leaving their kids with a doctor?

  I slid out of the limo and ran up the front steps to gather my beautiful wife. When I opened the front door, I half expected Bennett to be standing there crying, not being able to leave, but to my surprise she was practically bouncing off of the walls with excitement.

  She came bounding up to me, throwing her arms around my neck and planting a slow, yet passionate kiss on my lips. When she eventually pulled back to look at me, my need and desire for her was probably beyond evident on my face. A slow sneaky smile spread across her luscious lips and I couldn't help but crash mine against hers one last time.

  "Well hello to you too." She smiled and my heart melted.

  She was dressed in a long black satin dress. It hugged her curves in all the right places and made her ass look more tempting than it already was. "You look good enough to eat." Her hair was down in soft waves and it was pulled to one side, leaving the other side of her neck exposed. I bent down and bit a little hard against her silky smooth skin.

  "Ow, Gray." She playfully slapped my shoulder. "What was that for?"

  "Just a little taste test." I licked my lips playfully. "Mmmm, delicious." I wrapped her up in my arms and scanned the room for Hannah. "Where is she?"

  "Finishing her makeup in the bathroom down here. She literally took forever to get ready."

  "Tell me about it. Theo has been pampering himself all day."

  A few minutes later, Hannah came walking up to us in the foyer. She looked beautiful. Not as beautiful as my wife, but close. Hannah was a pretty girl regardless, but when she cleaned up, she cleaned up nice. Theo was going to be elated.

  "Let's go."

  "After you ladies." I ushered both of them out the door and shouted a quick goodbye to Sarah. She shouted back to tell Ryan hi for her and I smiled as I closed the door behind me.

  It had been a few weeks since the opening of Ryan's new restaurant, but I guess being such a big name like he was already, the crowd would never die down. It was amazing how many people were just standing around, waiting to see if they could get into the hot new restaurant in town. Luckily for us, we had an in. The limo dropped us off at the front and we quickly bypassed the line of patrons waiting for a table. The hostess immediately recognized Hannah and led us to a semi-private booth near the kitchen. The entire kitchen was made up of glass walls, so you could see every piece of food being cooked. It was pretty cool to watch. Ryan noticed our entrance almost immediately and came out to greet us.

  "Hey guys. You all look amazing."

  We all said hello and then Ryan excused himself to go finish a dish. It felt so good to be out with my amazing wife and our close friends. A bottle of champagne showed up at our table a few minutes later, along with a bottle of sparkling cider for Hannah.

  "I see the tables have turned." Bennett laughed.

  "So funny. Although, if you recall, I didn't even open the bottle that night." Hannah chided.

  "I'm not sure I understand what's going on."

  "Me either." Theo and I were both at a loss.

  "Nothing." Bennett whispered as she poured everyone a round.

  I slid my arm around her shoulders and pulled her as close to me as possible. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She had to be the most beautiful woman in the entire restaurant. I was lucky to call her mine, and even luckier to call her the mother of my children.

  We didn't have to order anything; Ryan had prepared a special menu for us in honor of Daniel's birth and what was about to happen tonight. Hannah was completely oblivious to what was about to happen and Theo looked as though he was going to throw up at any moment. I nonchalantly leaned near him to ask if he was okay.

  "I think so. Dude, were you this nervous?"

  "Maybe a little." I laughed. "You'll be okay. It's the build up and anticipation that's the worst."

  "Or the fear of rejection." He let out a nervous chuckle.

  I grabbed Theo by the shoulder, trying to reassure him. "Dude, you'll be fine and there's no way she's going to say no."

  "I hope you're right."

  A few minutes later, Ryan was bringing out dessert. He knew what Theo was about to do, so he quickly retreated back into the kitchen. He knew how nervous Theo was, and he didn't want to make the audience any bigger than it already was.

  "Theo, are you okay?" Concern laced Hannah's every word. "You look like you're going to be sick."

  Theo turned towards Hannah, clutching onto her hands for support. "Hannah, never in a million years did I think I would find someone as amazing as you. You keep me on my toes and make me feel more loved then I ever thought possible. You're one in a million and I count myself lucky to have even met you. Now that you are going to be the mother to my unborn child, I would lik-" He slid off of the chair and sank down to one knee. Bennett gasped as she covered her mouth in surprise. I may have forgotten to tell her about this part.

  "Hannah, will you marry me?"

  Bennett and I looked at one another in anticipation of Hannah's answer. Although we both probably thought Hannah would never say no, it was starting to look like that might be exactly what she was going to say. I watched as Bennett leaned in towards Hannah to ask her something, but Hannah held her hand up as a stray tear started to roll down her face.

  "Are you only asking because we are having a baby?" Her voice was barely above a whisper, but Bennett and I heard her loud and clear.

  "Of course not, Hannah. That just made me want to marry you even more than before. I was going to ask you before I even found out."

  "Um, I can vouch for that one." I chimed in.

  "Then my answer is, yes. Yes Theo, I will marry you."

  The entire restaurant erupted in cheers and applause for the happily and newly engaged couple. I could see the tears falling down Bennett's cheek as Theo picked up Hannah and twirled her around the room. I pulled my wife into my side and gently wiped her tears away.

  "You happy?"

  "The happiest."



  "Oh my god, I can't believe you are engaged. Let me see that ring. Oh Hannah, it's perfect." I wrapped my arms around Hannah's neck and gave her a small squeeze. "I'm so happy for you."

  I could see the blush creeping up Hannah's neck. "I can't believe he actually wants to marry me."

  "Oh honey, why wouldn't he want to?"

  "I don't know. I guess my mom just always made me feel like I would never be good enough for anyone to want to spend a lifetime with me."

  "Hannah, you know that's not true. Let's face it, ninety percent of the time, your mom barely knew what was going on."

  "I know, but after hearing it so many times, you start to believe it. I'm happy though, so happy."

  I grabbed some toilet paper out of the stall and wiped the mascara stained tears from her cheeks. "Hannah, you deserve this. You deserve to be happy."

  Hannah grabbed my hand and held it close to her heart, "Bennett, thank
you for everything. You have been an amazing friend over the years. Even when I didn't deserve your friendship, you were still there. I love you."

  "I love you too, Han." I hugged her tight and then pulled back to check her makeup for her one last time. "Now let's go out there and celebrate."

  As we made our way back out to the table, Ryan stood and pulled Hannah into a deep hug. I knew just like Gray and I, that he was happy for her. I don't think I would ever understand how their friendship had gotten so strong in such a short amount of time, but I could see just how much he cared for our Hannah, and that didn't need any explanation in my mind.

  We only stayed at the restaurant for about another hour. It was killing me not being home with my babies and Gray knew that, so we left early and said our goodbyes to Hannah and Theo, opting for a cab so they could take the limo. When we got home, the kids were sound asleep in their rooms and Sarah was quick to head off. I went to climb the stairs to go change, but apparently my husband had other ideas. His hand caught my wrist and he turned me into his arms. His fingers ran up the back of my satin dress, leaving a heated trail in their wake. I shivered under his touch as he slid the zipper down, letting my dress fall to the floor.

  When he caught sight of my matching lingerie underneath, I could see his desire flash across his eyes. My hands cupped his face as my lips found his. His tongue slid across my lower lip and I instantly opened my mouth to him. Our tongues intertwined with one another's and I could feel my desire for him in my panties. I pushed my hands into the back of his hair and gave it a small tug. Gray deepened our kiss and scooped me up in his arms. Our lips never broke contact as he carried me up to our room, kicking the door shut with his foot.

  He gently laid me on the bed and I opened my legs for his body to fit perfectly between them. His mouth continued to explore my body and the wave of pleasure that washed over me was one I hadn't felt in a while. I needed him inside of me almost as much as I needed air to breathe, but we both knew that wasn't an option as of now. The doctor said no intercourse, but she never said anything about any other kind of sex.