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Misguided Trust (Misguided #2) Page 4
Misguided Trust (Misguided #2) Read online
Page 4
I tugged her yoga pants down along with her underwear in one swift motion. I could hear her gasp, but there was no time to let trivial things like that, threaten to derail my plans. I pushed her legs up, bending them at the knee, and then gave each one a small push on her inner thigh, causing them to fall open. I licked my lips as I sat back on my heels with an intent gaze in my eyes. I lowered my head back down and started kissing my way up her thighs, eventually coming to a stop when I reached her wet entrance.
I slowly slid my forefinger up and down her folds, stopping briefly every time I reached her clit. Tiny moans echoed throughout the hotel room, and I smiled knowing that I was the one making her experience so much pleasure. I quickly removed my finger and replaced it with my tongue, without any complaints from her, obviously. I slowly slid my tongue up and down, making circles around her clit, and then proceeded to do this until I could feel her legs tighten around my face a bit. I knew my girl, and I knew that she was getting to the point of having her first orgasm. I pushed two fingers deep inside of her as I licked up to her clit, and she screamed out as her walls tightened around my fingers, sucking them in greedily.
When my name passed between her lips, I almost came in my pants. Every time it happened, it was like it was the first. It never felt forced, it just made me want to have my cock in her even more than I had before. I climbed onto the bed, positioning myself at her entrance as I sat back on my knees, wearing nothing but a smile. I grabbed my cock in my hand and slid it up and down her wetness, causing her to wriggle beneath me. After teasing her for a few seconds, I positioned myself at her entrance and slowly slid inside of her.
I made sure to move gradually and purposefully, trying to delay my gratification for as long as I could. Aston did not like this, not one damn bit. I could feel her nails digging into the skin on the sides of my hips, urging me to move faster and harder, but if I did, I would turn into a one-pump chump, and nobody wanted that. I pulled her legs up around my hips as I continued to thrust into her repeatedly, while my hands moved up her glistening skin, stopping when I reached her breasts. I pinched both of her nipples between my fingers and began twisting them just enough to feel her walls tightening around my length. I pinched her nipples harder, and began thrusting in and out of her at a fast pace, and before I knew it, we were both shouting out the other’s name before falling to the mattress, breathless.
This was exactly what I needed…again!
I rolled onto my side once I caught my breathing, and looked directly at Aston, “I’m really sorry about this morning. You know I would’ve loved to wake you up like this,” we both chuckled, “but I knew you had been tossing and turning all night, and I just wanted you to be able to get some semblance of sleep. You just looked too peaceful to wake up. But I am sorry, and I promise next time, I will wake you up with my cock.” I joked, and she bust out in a fit of laughter. “Does that mean I’m forgiven?” I laughed as I rolled on top of her, smothering her with all of my weight.
“S…loooo…aann, ggggeeeeee….ttt….oooo….ffff…of…mmmmmeee.” I was still laughing as I gave in and rolled off of her. “Oh…my…god. At least I can somewhat breathe now.” She choked out.
“Well good, because its time to go.” I smacked her ass, and then leaned forward to kiss her, long and soft. “Now get your lazy butt up and get packed. Geez woman, we don’t have all day.” I laughed, and for the first time since the wedding, there was a positive shift in the atmosphere.
We both went about our business of packing, making sure that we were grabbing everything. After about twenty minutes of showers, okay of me showering, room service finally showed up and the both of us were elated. Not only had we worked up quite the appetite, but also neither of us had eaten anything since the reception. I didn’t know about Aston, but I was famished. We sat at the table in silence, that was, until my phone started ringing…loudly. I knew whatever it was could wait, so I playfully rolled my eyes at Aston and completely ignored it. And it would’ve stayed that way, but then it began ringing again, and again, and again.
I mouthed sorry to her before standing up and taking the call. Oh goody, my father. “Hey Sir. What’s going on?”
“Sorry to bother you Sloan, but Ariel has been calling me nonstop today. Apparently she has an author who is refusing to turn in their chapters, and today is the deadline. Do you think your wife could give the author a call and sort this out before you both leave for two weeks?”
It was the first time in my life that I had ever heard my father flustered. “Yeah, I’ll have Aston call. Who is the author?”
Please don’t say his name. Please don’t say his name!
“Um, looks like a Darren Holmes. Do you need his number?”
I said don’t say it!
“No, I’m pretty sure Aston has it. Thanks for the message, Sir. I’ll have her get this sorted out before we leave.”
“Thank you, Sloan. Have a great trip.”
“Will do. Talk to you when we get back.”
I hung up the phone in irritation. I knew a little bit of their history, and let’s just say that I wasn’t the biggest fan of it, more so than Nole if you can believe it. After that night in the bar, and seeing how Aston and Darren reacted to each other, I knew that it was definitely something that could possibly pose a problem in our lives. Luckily, Aston diffused that situation before it could cause any damage to the two of us. Unfortunately, Darren was an aspiring writer and when he brought his manuscript to our place, I made sure to have anyone else but Aston read it, but that didn’t work so well. My father had no idea who he was, so he decided to give the manuscript to his soon to be daughter-in-law, because she was the best in our company.
The day I handed that script to Aston was the day a little piece of my masculinity died. It wasn’t my fault, and I was man enough to admit that I felt a little threatened by this guy. Even though she reassured me a million and one times that it would be okay and that I had nothing to worry about, his eyes and lingering stares told an entirely different story. It had been a month now that they’ve been working together, and he took every chance he could get to speak with or meet up with her.
I walked back into the sitting room, and gave Aston a long agitated stare. “You need to call your author before we go. He’s refusing to turn in his chapters that are due today, go figure.” Sarcasm dripped from every word I spoke.
Aston rolled her eyes, “Seriously? It can’t wait until after we get back?”
“Apparently not. Ariel has been calling my father all morning about it. Just call him real quick and see what the deal is.” I bent over and placed a chaste kiss to her forehead. “I’m going to go finish packing.” I just couldn’t bring myself to listen to their conversation, no matter how much of it was about a book.
This phone call was most definitely the last thing I wanted to do the morning of our honeymoon, and it didn’t help that the author that was being such a pain in my ass, just so happened to be my ex, Darren. Yes, that Darren. When Sloan’s father approached me with Darren’s manuscript, my jaw literally dropped to the floor, and I do mean literally. Just as I looked at the name on the manuscript, I tripped over my own two feet and took a pretty nice tumble to the ground, hitting my jaw on the floor. It was by far my most embarrassing moment to date.
In all the years that I have known Darren, not once did he even hint at the fact that he wanted to be a writer. So when I saw that the title of the book was something I had said to him a long long time ago, I stopped mid-stride and opened it up to the first page. I took in a deep breath, slowly letting it back out as I read the inscription, and suddenly my serene feeling morphed into pure unadulterated hate. I literally saw red.
For the one who taught me that love is stupid, and that every girl will break your heart.
Holy shit, was the only thing that ran through my head as I angrily flipped through the pages. Page after page after page was nothing but our entire love story, from beginning to horribly hurtful end. There were details in there that nobody knew, and I was willing to fight tooth and nail to make sure nobody, namely Sloan, ever found out. Now while I know most people would have told their ex where to stick it, I couldn’t. Darren had a habit of making my life miserable every chance he got whenever I upset him, and me telling Mr. Holden not to accept his manuscript would definitely be crossing a line.
So instead, I decided to do what I did best, and become his editor. If he wanted to play this childish game with me, then I was more than willing to play his game right back…only better. I knew from that moment on that he was going to be my toughest client thus far, but I knew how to handle him. At least I used to, now I was only hoping that I could adapt to how to handle him now. Either way, I had to play somewhat nice with him to stall this release; because there was no way in hell I was about to let his manuscript see the light of day.
The phone rang at least a dozen times before his smug ass finally decided to answer. It’s not like he didn’t have my number programmed in his phone. This was just how he liked to play the game.
“Well hello there, Aston. How can I help you on this fine day?” His arrogant tone of voice was so off putting.
“Darren, hi. I know you’ve read over your contract. I know this, because you signed it, which means that you also agreed to all of the terms outlined in it, and it just so happens that one of those fabulous terms, is that you will provide me with ten chapters every Sunday, without fail. So…where are the chapters?” I was done with pleasantries.
“Wow, not even a simple question to ask me how my day is going? So rude.” I could hear the asshole in his tone of voice, and I very much was not in the mood to deal with his bullshit. “I need more time.”
“Look, Darren. I need those chapters by end of day today, or consider yourself in breach of contract, and you know what that means. You’ll have to repay your advance, no release, no more editing, and no more book. And I don’t want to hear any bullshit about how you’ve been so busy with your other businesses and all that fun stuff. Get off the phone, write the damn chapters, and email them to me no later than five o’clock tonight. I’ll be waiting for your email. Bye now.”
I hung up the phone, surprisingly happier than I had been all morning. I wasn’t sure if it was the way I was finally able to stand up to Darren, or if it was because I had finally hit my stride where work was concerned. I tossed my cell phone into my purse that was lying on the bed next to my suitcase, and set out to find Sloan. When I walked into the sitting room I spied him sitting on one of the oversized armchairs that looked out at the entire New York City skyline. I curled up on his lap, resting my cheek against his ridiculously muscular chest when he slid his finger under my chin, pulling my face up to look at him.
“How did that go?”
I couldn’t help but notice the irritated inflection in his tone. “It went well. Sloan, you would’ve been so proud of me. I actually stood up for myself and laid down the law. I told him that I needed the chapters no later than five o’clock tonight.”
“Look, Aston, I’ve been biting my tongue with this whole situation since it started, but I just can’t anymore. He knows exactly what he’s doing when he’s doing it. He calls at random hours. He doesn’t turn in his chapters on time, just so he can call you or have you call him to fight about it. Honey, I think you need to realize what is going on here.”
He was right. As much as I hated to admit it, he was one hundred percent right. “I know, Sloan, and I’m sorry.” It was all I could think to say to try and make things better.
“I feel like maybe you’re just saying that to appease me.”
His flippant remark had my head turning back towards him in an instant, “How dare you say that. I truly am sorry, Sloan, from the bottom of my heart.” It was true, I really was sorry, but unfortunately Sloan didn’t know the entire context of Darren’s story, and how desperate I was to make sure it stayed unpublished. “Enough of this.” I stood from his lap and pulled him up right along with me, “It’s time for us to leave all this drama stateside, and get out of here.” I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, placed a kiss to his full pouty lips, and then leaned back so I was looking into his eyes, “No need to make Bora Bora wait for us any longer.” He playfully slapped my ass, and we both broke apart in laughter, and went back to packing.
Twenty minutes later, we were all packed up, looking good, and headed out to the airport. I was beyond confused as to which airport we were going to, seeing as we had just passed by the exit for JFK. “Um Sloan, where are we going? You do know that we have to fly on an airplane to get there, right?” I was only half joking when I said this, because I honestly didn’t believe that he would have planned some big elaborate scheme. But luckily, I was wrong.
“Surprise.” He half shouted as we pulled up to a private airstrip.
“Oh my gosh, Sloan. What did you do?” I couldn’t contain my excitement any longer. “Are you serious right now?” I squealed as we pulled up in front of a private jet, my face practically glued to the window like an overly excited dog.
Sloan walked around the car and came over to open my door. I pushed myself up and out of the car, grabbing my carry on, and then made my way to the trunk to grab my large luggage pieces. I was bending over the trunk trying to grab my last suitcase when I felt the rough material of his jeans pressing firmly against me, and there was no denying what was on his mind, because I could also feel that pressed firmly against my backside. As much as I wanted to turn in his arms and let him have his way with me, again, I just couldn’t. We seriously needed to get on this plane, or we were never ever going to get out of here.
“Rain check, baby?” I winked as I grabbed my things and walked away, making sure to strut my stuff enough that he would be dying the entire plane ride.
Aston 1 Sloan 0
I was an extremely nervous flier and as much as I liked to fancy myself fearless, this was one time I was more than comfortable admitting that I was a baby. Sloan handed me my third glass of champagne, and we still hadn’t even taken off. At least I would be drunk and oblivious to us flying, instead of wide-awake and extremely alert to every tiny movement. I fished my phone out of my purse, checking to see if I had any missed calls or emails. Surprise, surprise…nothing. I swear if Darren didn’t get his shit together soon, I was going to tell Mr. Holden to let his manuscript go, and if I had to give up myself in order to protect the integrity of his publishing house, then that’s exactly what I would do.
Once we were in the air, I could feel the champagne soaring through my veins, making me the happiest flier in the world. The entire cabin of this plane was like a dream. There were eight huge, white leather loungers, and a medium sized matching leather couch off to one side. Between each set of chairs were marble tables, with small parts that you could lift up that were like individualized trays, and off the back of the plane was a small bedroom with a queen sized pillow top mattress. Oh the dirty thoughts that were running through my mind at this moment.
As soon as Sloan caught me glancing around, pausing as my eyes spied the bedroom, he instantly shot me a smoldering look. I knew exactly what he was thinking, and far be it for me to deny my husband his most carnal desires, even if we were 41,000 feet above the earth. I slowly unfolded my legs and sauntered over in his direction. My finger slowly traced the outside of his jacket and then up around the neck, causing a small shiver to rush over him. I let my finger trace the base of his throat, and then slid it back up and over to his earlobe. Before I could make it any further, Sloan was swooping me up into his arms and practically running into the bedroom.
I didn’t expect him to close the door behind us, hell I was surprised that we had made it into the room at all, to be honest. He lifted me up just a bit, his biceps bulging, exposing every single lean line of muscle, and pulling his tattoo taut against his skin. He gently pushed my back into the wall as he wrapped my legs high on his waist. He crouched down just a bit, pulling his shirt from his body and discarding it on the floor beneath us, and mine was quick to follow. His head dipped low enough to swirl his tongue around my hard nipple before sucking it into his mouth. As he sucked and teased my right nipple, his fingers went up to the other, teasing it and giving it just as much attention as the other one was receiving. I could feel my walls tightening with the tremendous amount of pleasure that was flowing throughout my quivering body, and just when I thought I was going to have to finish without him, he pushed himself deep inside of me. My walls crumbled around him, and he was seconds behind me. Sometimes I questioned how he knew my body so well, but then I would remember that was exactly the reason I married this amazing man, because no matter what, he knew exactly what I needed, and when I needed it.
Two weeks later
I’ve always heard people say that the best part about getting married, is the honeymoon. Well you know, besides the whole, marrying the love of your life, blah, blah, blah. But anyone who said the first, was absolutely one hundred percent right on the money. From the plane ride, to the white almost deserted beaches, to the food, the wine, and the company…oh the company. The tiny little non-existent bikinis and outfits that she pranced around in, I swear the woman was trying to break me…all of me.
As I rolled over to face my gorgeous wife, I couldn’t help but feel blessed. I still found it surreal that I got to wake up every day to a woman who loved me just for me, flaws and all, and god knows I have enough of those. I was blessed to know that no matter what life would throw at us, I could face it with strength and dignity, knowing that she was right by my side. I lightly pushed back a beautifully curled blonde tendril behind her ear, and just as I removed my hand, the sun’s rays peeked through the curtains, falling gently across her freckled cheek.