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- Amanda Bennett
Breaking Beautiful (Broken Series #2) Page 2
Breaking Beautiful (Broken Series #2) Read online
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These weren’t small stray tears. These were crocodile tears and no matter how hard I tried, they wouldn’t stop coming. My hands were covering my face, trying to conceal my weakness. I would never admit it to anybody, but at this very moment I seriously needed my mom. I was at a loss, as far as what to do and I was drowning in worry and despair. My sobs racked my body out of control. I tried so many times to make it stop. I just needed to pull myself together. I needed to be strong for my girl, for our baby.
What felt like hours later, I finally heard the doctor emerge from her room. “Gray, we need to speak, son.”
His tone of voice shot straight through me to my breaking heart. I could tell it wasn’t going to be joyous news. I wiped my tears away with the back of my hands as I followed him into a small corridor. I couldn’t bring myself to look in his eyes, so I scanned the hallway aimlessly.
“Gray, it appears that Bennett is in worse shape than we thought. The surprising, yet good news is that the baby is holding on beautifully. The baby’s vitals look great. The heartbeat is strong and the ultrasound is showing the right amount of fluid around it in the sack. As for Bennett, her internal injuries are what are concerning us at the moment.
We believe she may have some more internal bleeding. The nurses are prepping her for surgery now. I will have one of them come out and update you on our progress in just a bit. I promise, I will do whatever it takes to save both of them.” His hand gently rested on my shoulder. I had no words, so I just nodded. Seconds later, he was gone.
I reached into the pocket of my jeans, retrieving my cell phone. I dialed Hannah’s number and waited impatiently for her to answer.
“Gray? Is everything ok?” Her question was laced with concern.
“She-“ I cleared my throat not recognizing the small gruff voice coming out of me. “She is back in surgery.”
“Are you serious? We’re on our way. Stay in the waiting room, we’ll be right there.”
The line went dead and I stood motionless in the fluorescent light, empty hallway. I slowly shuffled my way over to the big window that looked out onto the common yard. The fresh batch of fallen snow lay untouched. It shimmered like tiny crystals as the small rays of sun, escaping through the clouds hit it. It was beautiful, just like her. Everything reminded me of her. There wasn’t a second in any day that I didn’t think about her. I let out a small chuckle as I remembered the first time Bennett had ever seen the snow.
A couple of months after her and her family had moved here, we had our first snowfall. It wasn’t anywhere near what we usually get, but it was enough to build a mighty fine snowman. I had begged my mother to let me go outside to play the minute I saw it falling. After she finally gave in and I was dressed appropriately, I ran as fast as my snow boots would carry me over to Bennett’s house. I had remembered her telling me that she had never seen snow, seems how she came from the desert. I had thought it was weird, only because I had seen it my whole life. I guess living in Arizona you wouldn’t see much snow.
Her mother got her dressed just seconds before we went barreling out the front door. I kept running straight into a small pile that had built up in her yard. I turned around looking for her in every direction. My eyes landed on her as she stood on her front porch, amazement plastered all over her beautiful face. I remember thinking how pretty she was; staring out at the white covered lawn like it was a foreign object. The sun bounced off of the snow lighting up her entire face. It was magical.
I caught a stray tear just as I heard Hannah down the hall. I knew she would be looking for me, so I slowly made my way out towards the cramped waiting room.
“Could you move at a more glacial pace?” She roared.
I knew she was teasing me, but I just had nothing left in me to give. I made my way over to a chair in the corner, slouching down as far as I could go. I wanted this all to be one big bad nightmare. I was ready to wake up, now. We all sat in silence. The only sound in the room came from the small television suspended in the corner. I couldn’t tell you what was on, just that there was background noise breaking the deafening silence.
I finally succumbed to my exhaustion, letting my heavy eyes close. As soon as I started to drift to sleep, I felt a small hand shaking my shoulder. I looked up to find a small heavy set, red-haired woman dressed in blue scrubs, staring at me.
“Mr. Weston?”
“Yeah?” I was at a loss for words. I was bracing myself for the worst.
“The doctor wanted me to come out and let you know that we found the source of the bleeding. It appears that Miss Reynolds’ spleen had ruptured, causing it to bleed out. He believes that the severe blows to her abdomen are most likely the cause. He has removed the spleen in whole and we have the bleeding under control. He believes she will make a full recovery and be fine. Of course there will be precautions she will need to take, as she gets older, but he is very optimistic.”
I felt the heaviness in my chest subside as I heard her say ‘optimistic.’ I don’t now what had come over me but I reached out and pulled that little woman into my arms. I squeezed her to my chest and then graciously let her go. “Thank you.” I whispered as she turned to leave the room.
Hannah and Theo were instantly at my side hugging me and crying right along with me. I let out a sigh of relief. She was going to be okay. We were going to be okay. A smile spread across my lips for the first time in what felt like days. Hannah looked up at me with a questioning look, and then I remembered that I hadn’t told her the good news. “The doctor says the baby and Bennett will be fine. He says that the heart rate is looking good and steady and the fluid around it is where it needs to be. I guess Bennett’s spleen ruptured from the damage to her abdomen, but they caught the bleeding in time and she will be fine.” I couldn’t help the happiness that spread through me.
Hannah wrapped her arms tightly around my neck. “I knew it.’ She whispered into my neck. “They just had to be okay.”
I rubbed her back then set her back down onto the ground. Things were finally, after weeks, looking up.
When I came to, all I wanted was Gray. My hands were shaking in anticipation of seeing him. The doctor had just left my room stating he would go find him out in the waiting room. I was extremely sore and in a fair amount of pain but I didn’t care. I was willing to suffer through any amount of pain to see him. Just knowing that him and I were going to have a long and happy life together, made me the happiest I had ever been.
I sat myself up to a comfortable position and waited, and waited and waited. I swear hours had passed before I heard the door creek open. I could feel the pain medicine from the drip being administered and I was beginning to feel sleepy. I tried to hold my eyes open as long as I could. I had to see his face one last time, before I fell back asleep. My eyelids became heavy and I blinked back the sleep, as his face came into plain view. Terror shot through me, as he inched closer. I would have screamed, but I was falling further under. I silently prayed that I was dreaming again.
I couldn’t fight the drugs any longer and I succumbed to the darkness. I didn’t know what would happen once I was out but I could only wish that he wasn’t really there. My mind eventually went blank as my medicine induced sleep took over.
I can’t be for sure how long I had been out for; all I know is that I did wake up. I let out an audible sigh after scanning my room. I was alone, not one single person was with me. Most people would be a little uneasy being alone in a hospital, but it was a welcoming feeling after seeing his face, clear as day. It had been exactly like my nightmares. He had been haunting my dreams and now my reality.
Suddenly I wondered if Gray had ever been in to see me. I had passed out before I had known and now I was starting to panic. I frantically searched for my call light button but came up empty handed. Dread started to set in when I realized it was nowhere to be found. With that I decided to resort to good ol
e fashion screaming.
Okay so I was being a bit dramatic but who wouldn’t be. On top of my panic, my pain was returning full force. The more I screamed the more it hurt. Needless to say, I stopped screaming. I was prone to panic attacks since the day Gray and I visited my parent’s gravesite. I knew I was on the verge of one and started to slowly count to ten. I tried to slow my breathing as much as possible.
This time when I heard the start to open I clasped my hands over my face. I had no weapon of defense and I was barely able to do that much. I was in no shape whatsoever to fight off an attacker, especially not one of his caliber. Like a child watching a scary movie, I had to peek through my fingers. As much as I didn’t want to know, I had to. I was extremely relieved when a small nurse’s face came into view.
“Sorry sweetheart, did I startle you?” She stood in the doorway staring at me, I could only assume she was waiting for an answer.
“A little, yes.” That was a bold face lie. She had scared the holy livin’ tar out of me. “Um, have I had any visitors in the last, well I’m not sure how long, but have I?” I took a deep breath waiting for her response.
She maneuvered her way over to my bedside and began checking my vitals before answering. “Only that handsome young fella, that came in to check on you earlier. The doctor said it was okay for him to come in for a short minute, but he left almost as soon as he entered. Said you were dead asleep and he didn’t want to wake you.”
Oh thank the Lord. I let out a sigh of relief. “Did he say if he would be back?”
“No sweetheart, he didn’t. I’m sorry.”
I don’t know why but my curiosity was peaked. I knew Gray all too well, and he hadn’t left my side since I had been here. “Ma’am what did this young man look like?” I knew how I sounded but I had to put my mind at ease.
“He was a looker that’s for sure. I haven’t seen a man that beautiful in quite some time, and trust me I have been around for awhile. He was so polite and oh, those eyes. Wow, you are one lucky young lady.” She tapped me on the shoulder, moving my IV drip away from my head.
I knew she was just being polite and making small talk but I was growing rather impatient. Risking being rude, I interrupted her mid sentence. “So, what did he look like?”
I saw the visual change in her demeanor and I knew I would probably suffer for it later. “He was very tall.” Okay, that didn’t help. “He had beautiful eyes.” Still not helping. ”And the brightest blonde hair I had ever seen. It was cut very short, it almost looked iridescent.”
Holy fuck me, it wasn’t a dream. Raylon was here. Not only was he here but he had also been in my room, while I was sleeping. I started to panic but just as quickly as it had started I stopped it. If Raylon had wanted to hurt me again, he very well could have. And where the fuck was Gray?
“Have you seen any other young men come around? I couldn’t keep the hurt out of my voice.
“No, sweetheart. Just the one young man I described to you. Where is your call light, missy?”
“I have no idea. I woke up and couldn’t find it.” I helped her search for it, obviously with my eyes but still I felt like I was helping.
“Well here it is. How on earth did it get all the way back here?”
I tried to turn to look in her direction behind my bed, but winced as unbearable pain shot through my abdomen. I couldn’t help the small noise that escaped between my lips.
“Oh sweetheart, don’t move. You’re not supposed to be twisting and turning. Let’s get you some more medicine and see if we can’t make you more comfortable.” I watched as she punched a couple of buttons on the medicine regulator and smiled at myself for thinking of my nickname.
“Can you please find my boyfriend for me?” I needed to see him, more than words could express.
“I think the doctor would like to talk to you first, but I will go find him while he speaks with you. Sound good?”
I nodded in agreement as she turned to leave the room. I felt around for my call light. Once I found it, I loosely wrapped it around my wrist and gripped it tight. I wasn’t losing that thing again, no way. I heard the doctor speaking to someone in the hallway before he was fully in my room. It was bothersome that this was a different doctor then before. His face lit up the moment he saw that I was awake and contentment soared through me.
“Well if it isn’t my favorite patient. How are we feeling, Miss Reynolds?” I don’t know why I noticed, but he was quite handsome for his age. I don’t want to say in his old age, because well, honestly, he didn’t look that old. A little bit of gray splayed through the sides of his hair but other than that, not a wrinkle or age mark in sight. It was unusually comforting, his looks I mean.
“I’m okay, I suppose. The pain was getting bad but the nurse just made the thingy administer more pain medication. So, good now.” My eyes never left his face. I was seriously amazed at how soft his skin looked. I wanted to slide the back of my hand down his cheek, that’s how smooth his skin looked. I wanted the secret to his agelessness. I saw his mouth moving again but didn’t hear a single word. He cleared his throat loudly and I came back to now. “What was that? Sorry.” I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks.
“I was just explaining what we had to do. It was a pretty simple procedure, but the bleeding was still concerning. It looks like you are going to recover in no time though. The baby is doing extremely well also. Heartbeat is very strong and the fluid around the baby looks great. Have you seen your boyfriend yet?”
I shook my head, not wanting to cry.
“That’s odd.” He stated matter-of-factly. I had spoken to him not even ten minutes after we had you in recovery. Nice fella that guy, and I see the nurses have definitely taken a liking to him.” He winked.
“What did my boyfriend look like?”
“I’m sorry?” Confusion washed over his face.
“I mean, what color was his hair?”
Please tell me it was Gray. Please tell me it was Gray. Please tell me it was Gray.
I kept repeating the small mantra in my mind. I didn’t dare think of anything else.
“He had blonde hair, brown eyes, and was built like a brick shithouse. Pardon my language.” He chuckled at his choice of words.
“That wasn’t my boyfriend. That was the man who put me in here in the first place.” I was trying to pull myself up and out of the bed, but was failing miserably. The pain was too much to bear as I collapsed back onto the bed.
The doctor came rushing to my side, helping me readjust myself onto the hard as fuck mattress. “I don’t think I quite understand. So what you’re telling me is that the young man I spoke with about your condition, is NOT your boyfriend?”
“Doctor R-“ Shit, I couldn’t remember his name for the life of me. If I didn’t have a different doctor every ten minutes, I probably could have remembered his name.
“Doctor Cutler. Please continue.”
“Sorry, Dr. Cutler, but that’s exactly what I am telling you. He is the man who put me in the hospital in the first place. He is the reason I am here at all.” I tried to fight back the tears stinging my eyelids but it was a losing battle. My salty tears were almost instantly free flowing down my face. I swiped a few away but there were too many to go unnoticed.
“Dr. Cutler, you have to find Gray Weston. He has shaggy, copper brown hair, amazingly blue eyes and is about six feet three inches. Please, you have to find him. He will be searching for me.”
The doctor pressed his palm against the back of my shoulder just before walking out of the room. The tears were forever falling now and I couldn’t control the hysterical sobs coming out of my mouth. I needed Gray, more than I needed to breathe at this very moment. I needed to feel safe, and God knows he was the only one who could do it.
Once again, my pain medicine was fighting with my will to stay conscious. There was no way I was falling asleep before he had found me. Not this time. I literally sat hol
ding my eyelids open with my fingernails. It’s a good thing I didn’t have to do it for very long, it fucking hurt like hell.
My hands fell to my lap as Gray came rushing towards me. His long strong arms were wrapped around my sore midsection before I could protest. As much as it hurt, not having him holding me would have hurt ten times worse. I winced and Gray eased up on his grip but never let go completely.
He stood staring directly at the doctor when he began speaking. “How the hell did that mother fucker get in here?” I flinched at his language but let it go for the moment; I wanted the same answers.