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- Amanda Bennett
Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3) Page 2
Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3) Read online
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She flinched at the words I knew would have her feeling uneasy. "Okay, I'll go."
My eyes flew open in shock, "Are you serious?"
She nodded her head vigorously. "I guess the best way to get over my fear, is to face it head on."
"There's my girl." A wide smile spread from ear to ear. "I'm so proud of you." I whispered before lightly pressing my lips against hers.
Charlie started to wiggle her way off of Bennett's lap and I quickly snatched her up, lightly tossing her up in the air. She giggled and cooed as she landed safely in my hands. "Plus, my baby girl needs some Daddy time. Don't you sweet girl?"
"Because she doesn't get enough of that." Bennett laughed and it filled the entire room and my heart felt at ease. I had missed her laugh, but more than anything, I had just missed the old her.
I knew things were different now, and I knew she would always be a little jaded, but I needed her to come back to me, fully. I wrapped my free arm around her shoulders and placed a kiss to her cheek.
"You're going to have a blast, especially if Hannah is involved."
"That's exactly what I'm worried about."
My stomach was in knots, and not because I was hugely pregnant and didn't have a single thing to wear out to a nice restaurant. I was extremely nervous. Actually, nervous was an understatement. I was terrified. I rarely left our house since the incident with Raylon, and even though I knew he was no longer around to hurt me, he still haunted my every waking thought. Though the nightmares had eased up, my overwhelming fears had not.
I heard a small knock on the bedroom door as I was discarding the fourth maternity dress I had tried on. "Come in." I shouted as I tried to get my arms untangled from the Lycra mess that was now wrapped around my hair. I heard light laughing and instantly knew it was Hannah. "It's not funny you skinny little bitch, now help me out, please."
"Oh, but it is funny. You should see yourself."
"Ha ha, come on now, I'm serious. Help me, please."
I watched Hannah take her time making her way over to me to help me disrobe. When we finally got the torture device off of my head, we both looked at each other and burst out in a fit of giggles. As I was trying to catch my breath, I noticed Hannah holding a silver garment bag under her arm.
"What's that? You look great, are you changing?"
"This is not for me. This is for you. Let's just say your husband knows you a little all too well. Open it up."
I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I unzipped the front; inside hanging on a felt hanger was possibly one of the prettiest dresses I had ever seen. It was a short, but not too short, navy blue and white pinstriped, wrap around dress that tied at the side. "Did you pick it?" I asked.
Hannah just shook her head and proceeded to pull the dress from the bag and over my head. When she got it all situated in the right places, I tugged the long sleeves up a bit and then did a little turn for her. I couldn't read the expression on her face, so I was a little scared to ask what she thought. Until she ran to my closet, coming back out with a pair of navy wedges that matched perfectly. She helped me slip them on and I stood back as she looked me up and down.
"You look amazing, Bennett."
"Are you sure I don't look like a beached whale? Because I feel like one."
"Bennett, come here." She reached her hand out for mine and I hesitated to take it. She led me to my full-length mirror in the corner of the room. She spun me around so I was now facing my own reflection, and even I had to admit, I looked damn good. A broad smile formed across my lips and it must've been infectious because Hannah was wearing the same goofy grin.
"You look beautiful." She whispered, before bending down to give me a hug. Now let's get this night started." She gave a small swat to my not so little ass, and we turned to make our way downstairs. Hannah made it down before my waddling ass, but with less than a month to go, I was a slow mover. I glanced down as my right foot hit the bottom step and when my eyes came back up, they were right in line with my gorgeous husband's beaming face.
"You look amazing, Button. Do you like the dress?"
"I do. Thank you." I wrapped my arms firmly around his neck as he pulled me into his chest. Seconds later, my lips found his and what was supposed to be a sweet and innocent kiss, quickly became a little bit more PG-13. The warmth of his tongue caressing the inside of my mouth had me wanting him to take me upstairs and have his way with me.
"You know, there are people in the room." Theo's loud booming voice had me smiling against Gray's lips, but not enough to completely retreat. I could feel Gray's excitement pressed firmly against my thigh and I was wishing we were alone.
"You guys should probably get going." He spoke without breaking contact from my lips.
I simply nodded and pulled back, feeling the flush creep up my neck and blaze across my cheeks. Gray helped me down the last step and turned back to grab Charlie from Theo. Theo took his chance to wrap me into a tight embrace. I squeezed him back just as hard. It had been too long since we had all seen each other and it felt good to have them back in our home.
"You and Han have an amazing night tonight. Try not to worry too much. I'd tell you not to worry at all, but let's face it, you will."
I pulled back and playfully slapped his chest. "I'll try, Theo. I promise."
"Good." He placed a chaste kiss to my cheek and stepped back to Hannah's side.
I reached my arms out for my baby girl, not wanting to leave without giving her proper good-bye. "Night night sweet girl. Mommy loves you and will be back in just a little bit. Sleep good." I placed a kiss to her cheek and she smiled her adorable cheeky smile as I pulled back.
Gray handed me my purse and keys, and then practically pushed Hannah and I out the door. I barely had time to grab my coat before they both were saying I love you and shutting and locking the front door.
"Like I don't have the keys to come back in." I laughed.
Hannah just shook her head as she slid into the driver's seat of her brand new BMW. "How do you like the new ride?"
"It's nice. Let me guess, a gift from Theo?"
She just simply nodded with a ridiculous grin on her face. "So you ready for your big night out, little lady?"
"I guess." I murmured.
We pulled up to a big fancy restaurant with about a million and one cars gathered outside. This wasn't just a new restaurant opening in town; this was a star-studded event. We pulled up to the valet guy and Hannah quickly ran around the front to help me out of my seat. As I righted my dress and gathered my belongings, we made our way onto the faux red carpet as cameras flashed in all directions. I found myself getting a little dizzy.
"Hannah, what is going on here tonight?"
"Oh some celebrity chef owns the restaurant. There's supposed to be a ton of famous people coming tonight. You doing okay?"
I slipped my arm through hers and nodded as we snaked our way through the small crowd and up to the hostess.
"What's the name?"
"Yes, I have you right here. For three?"
My headshot up and locked eyes with the hostess, and then back at Hannah. "Three?" I could feel my heart rate elevating and my adrenaline pumping. I slowly closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths.
"No, just two." I heard Hannah reply, but for some small reason, I didn't believe her. This wasn't just some silly mistake.
A couple seconds later, Hannah had her phone out and was quickly typing out a text message. I had no idea what was going on, but I was about two seconds away from running out the door and all the way home.
"Right this way, ladies."
Hannah's hand latched onto my forearm, pulling me through the throng of people. When we arrived at our table, I let out a sigh of relief that it was only us and slid into the booth before Hannah. The hostess gave us our menus, and then turned and disappeared amongst the raging sea of people.
e you okay?" Hannah whispered.
I nodded my head in her direction. I didn't want to ask Hannah what the actual story was tonight. I was determined to have a good time. "So whose restaurant is this, do you know?"
"Ryan Ackerman. He's apparently the next best thing. This is his second restaurant in two years. His food is supposed to be amazing, and word is, he is gorgeous."
I glanced up at Hannah, instantly recognizing the enamored look on her face. It's the same look she had when she first met Theo. "Hannah?"
"Do you know Ryan?" I knew she could sense the concern in my voice.
"We met last year, through one of my girlfriends at work. He catered one of our office parties. I didn't know who he was then, but we kind of hit it off, as friends. He invited us tonight."
"Does he know you're with someone?"
"Oh yeah. He knows all about Theo. We're just friends, Bennett."
I nodded my head in disapproval. I knew Hannah and her pattern when it came to relationships. I could honestly say, that Theo has been her longest relationship to date. Why she would want to throw all that away, I wasn't sure.
Our waiter came over to our table to take our order and leave a bottle of the restaurant's finest champagne for Hannah and sparkling cider for me, courtesy of Ryan himself. Yeah, just friends my ass. I took a small sip from my champagne flute and almost choked on the bubbly liquid.
Now Gray was absolutely gorgeous in my eyes, but the man walking towards our table was a completely different breed. He was nowhere built like Gray or Theo, but he was still muscular. He was tall, about six foot four, if I had to guess and long and lean. You could tell he was trim and fit, but not overly muscular. He reminded me of a track runner. My eyes stayed fixated on him as he weaved his way through the crowd, stopping to shake hands and say hello to the other patrons.
His hair was buzzed to his head and barely a quarter of an inch long and underneath the blackest pair of eyelashes I have ever seen, sat a piercing set of ice blue eyes. He was mesmerizing, in an almost scary and off putting way.
"I told you he was gorgeous." Hannah nudged my side, breaking me out of my daze.
"That he is." I whispered.
Seconds later, he was saddling up to our table and I couldn't help but stare as he kissed Hannah on both cheeks and then turned to me.
"Hi, I'm Ryan. It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much."
I looked over at Hannah with a questioning glare, but extended my hand regardless. "It's a pleasure to meet you Ryan. I wish I could say the same about you, but honestly, this is the first time I have ever heard your name mentioned."
"Bennett!" Hannah scolded.
"No, Hannah it's okay. Look, I know that Hannah is in a relationship, if that's what you're worried about?"
"That's the least of my worries." I mumbled before downing the remaining liquid in my glass and pouring more. "Man, I wish this was the real stuff."
"Congratulations by the way. I hear this is baby number two."
"Thanks." I smiled, trying my hardest to be polite. "So Ryan, how often do you and Hannah speak?"
"God Bennett, give it a rest."
"Often, if I'm being honest."
I glanced up and got caught in his line of sight. I had a witty come back, just sitting on the edge of my tongue, but when his eyes caught mine, all coherent thoughts dissipated. Damn it. After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence on my part, Ryan excused himself and headed back to the kitchen. I sat there secretly hoping he wouldn't spit in whatever I ordered.
"What the hell was that all about?" Hannah shrieked.
"I think you should maybe remember that you have Theo. That's all."
"Man, those hormones raging through you, make you quite the bitch these days. Look Bennett, I know I have Theo. I'm not stupid. Things have been, weird lately. He's gone all the time. When I ask where he's been, he never answers me. He keeps buying me gifts like he's done something wrong, and if I have a guy friend who is willing to just be my friend, and then I should be allowed that. I swear to you, I haven't thought or done anything. So back off, please."
I sat back completely taken aback by her harshness. I knew I had been quite the handful since Charlie's birth, but who could really blame me? I was suddenly extremely uncomfortable being around my best friend, and I couldn't think of anything else, but going home.
Before I could say anything though, Hannah's hand was sitting on top of mine and I could see the apology in her eyes. "Don't bother. I know you're sorry. I'm sorry too. I know I have been unpleasant this last little while, I'm just trying to deal."
"I know, Bennett. I'm sorry."
"I know you are."
"Let's just enjoy our night out."
"Deal." She clapped and we clanked our water glasses together. "To new beginnings and a bright future." She winked.
Theo and I walked around the house, checking all the windows and doors after I laid Charlie down in her bed. I'm pretty sure Theo was the only person who would ever understand my paranoia.
"All clear in here, man." He shouted from the kitchen.
"Awesome. The rest of the house is good. God, I feel so stupid every time I do this at night."
"Dude, don't ever feel stupid for protecting your family." He handed me a beer out of the fridge as I saddled up to the breakfast bar. "I'd be the same way."
I sat back with a humph, as I took a long pull off of the cold glass bottle. "Man, I have to be honest, it's exhausting."
"But worth it, right?"
"Absolutely. I would do anything for my girls, and soon to be boy. So, how are you and Hannah getting along?"
Theo's brows twitched and I knew I had hit a touchy subject. "Things are okay, I guess. She's been talking to and hanging out with this guy Ryan quite a bit. I'm not sure what's going on with her."
"Honestly, Hannah's got the itch."
"The what?"
"This is Hannah's longest relationship. She doesn't usually do long term, if you know what I mean. I'm not saying she's cheating by any means. I've never known her to be a cheater, but she tends to start pulling away when she's done. Don't get me wrong man, I love you two together. You make Hannah a decent person to be around for longer than an hour, but I'd just be careful."
"I've been having her watched when she goes out." Theo dropped his head in shame.
I choked on the liquid flowing down my throat. "Are you serious?" I laughed.
"I just wanted to make sure, ya know?"
"I get it, but don't you think our money could be better spent?"
"I haven't been paying Jason."
"You got Jason to do this for you?" I chuckled. "What a douche."
"He offered." Theo let out a loud laugh.
"You guys are crazy."
"Bennett seems good. She doing okay this pregnancy?"
"She's doing okay. I think she just worries about the worst-case scenario, ya know? I mean, I can't blame her, but sometimes I wish she would just live in the moment. Life's too short." Theo didn't respond with anything but a head nod. He never weighed in on how Bennett was after the whole Raylon incident. I couldn't blame him. If it had been my best friend, I probably wouldn't have much to say either.
I glanced at the clock on the wall behind the couch as we watched some random movie on the TV. It was almost midnight and amazingly enough, I hadn't heard from Bennett since her and Hannah left. I wasn't worried though. I trusted Hannah to show Bennett a good time without getting into trouble. I just hoped that Bennett was having a good time.
Theo started to drift off to sleep a little while later and I could feel my eyes getting heavy. I wasn't sure how long I had been out when the alarm started blaring through the house, instantly waking Theo and I both up. We both reached for our guns, ready for the unexpected. After disarming the alarm, we started checking things out on the main floor. I took the backyard and kitchen, while he checked the dining room and living r
oom. When we met up in the foyer, we both nodded our heads in the direction of the upstairs. I took the lead as we climbed each step one at a time. I wanted to run straight to Charlie's room, but I wasn't sure what awaited us upstairs.
When we reached the top of the landing, I motioned for Theo to check Bennett’s room and mine as I went in the direction of Charlie's room. As I reached her cracked door, I felt a slight breeze hit my face from the open window. My face paled and I had to catch myself on the wall next to Charlie's sleeping form in her crib.
I searched the entire room frantically for anything that was out of place, before making my way over to the window. I set my gun down on the windowsill as I closed the cracked window. When Theo came barreling into the room, gun drawn, I let out a loud exhausted sigh.
"What's going on?" He whispered as he glanced down at Charlie.
"Guess I missed this window. The wind must've blown the curtains past the motion detector. Fuck." I motioned for him to exit her room as I followed behind him.
"It's okay, Gray. We all make mistakes. Her room is high enough up; I honestly don't think anyone could get to her. Plus, he's gone, bro."
"I know, I know."
"I think you need to get some sleep. I'm going to crash on the couch and wait for Hannah. Why don't you go lay down. I'll send Bennett up when she gets home."
"Sounds good. Thanks Theo." I clapped him on the shoulder, and made my way into my room. I was beyond exhausted and after that scare, I was dead tired as my adrenaline dissipated. Within seconds of my head landing on my pillow, I was out.
A small warm hand slipped under my shirt, sliding up my cool skin. My eyes were still closed. Sleep threatening to take me back under, when her hand started making its way further south. I lifted my butt enough that she could slip her hand down the front of my pants. I let out a strangled moan as her hand firmly wrapped around my length.