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This Trust of Mine Page 12
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Page 12
With those three words and the tone in his voice, I suddenly realized why he had been so slow and gentle with me. "I'm okay cowboy. I swear."
He pushed the loose strands of hair from my face as he pulled me into him with his other arm. "I was worried I would hurt you, or that you weren't ready for, that."
"I appreciate the worry, but I'm not a china doll. I won't break. Honestly, it hadn't even crossed my mind. Not once, the entire time."
I watched as relief washed over his face. I hadn't even taken into account that he would even be worried about what had happened with Wren. Although it still felt fresh in my mind, I could never let that affect how I felt when Madison touched me. I stood on my tiptoes and planted a kiss square on his lips.
"Thank you for telling me. I know how hard that must've been for you."
"I've wanted to tell you since the first day I found out. When you were out here and I had my breakdown, I had just overheard the conversation between the two of them. Trust me when I say that I wanted to tell you. I need you so much Kayla. I need you like I need air to breath. Without you, I feel incomplete."
As my heart melted in my chest with every word he spoke, I couldn't help but wonder if this was all we were for now. If we were still just friends, well I guess friends with benefits now? I didn't have to wonder too long, because he was suddenly answering my unspoken question.
"Be with me Kayla. Be mine, forever, for today, for however long you want me. Please just say you'll be with me."
"I thought you would never ask." I smiled up at him and for the first time in six weeks, I felt my heart beginning to mend. I was his and he was mine, plain and simple.
"Kayla, I really am sorry about today. I hope you know that."
"I know Madison. I knew you would never intentionally hurt me like that. Although, Joey seemed to think you were capable of it."
"Joey huh?"
I knew the minute the words left my mouth that I shouldn't have said it. Everything was so perfect and then my big mouth had to go and ruin it. I pulled Madison down to the ground with me with one strong tug. I crawled into his lap and he tenderly wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought him up."
"It's not your fault he can't take a hint. Maybe now that we're together, he'll back off a bit."
I could tell he was gettin' all worked up, but I needed him to understand that Joey and I were friends, regardless of what anyone else thought. "Madison-"
"I know, y'all are just friends. I believe that from you, but trust me Kayla, I know how Joey's mind works. He was always goin' after the unattainable. Just be careful, and try not to put yourself into situations with him that you can't get out of.
"He's a good friend Madison. Today, after you didn't show up, he was the one who took me into town to get my mind off of it. And he didn't hit on me once." This was a lie. Today hadn't gone as smoothly as I had hoped. After coffee Joey was fine, but as we spent more and more time together, his innocent touching had turned into flirty touching and when I finally told him to take me home, he actually had the balls to try and kiss me goodbye. Now that Madison and I were together I felt like I should tell him, but honestly we both had enough drama to deal with, without adding Joey Green to the mix. Besides, if things were goin' in the direction I thought they were with Glenn and Cami, we were gonna have to get used to Joey being around.
"For some reason, I don't believe you pretty girl." He let out a small chuckle before he started to tickle my sides. In that moment, I was just happy to have my Madison back. Things were about to change; I could feel it in the air. But good or bad, knowing I had Madison by my side, gave me the confidence that we could get through anything.
Chapter 21
I woke up the next day feeling energized and refreshed. Kayla and I had spent almost the entire night with each other out at our spot. We definitely didn't waste any time "catching up" on what we had missed. Every time I was inside of her, was like the first time all over again. My feelings had only intensified for her over the last couple of months and if we kept at it like we were, I could only imagine how intense they would be later on down the road.
I tried not to make a big deal out of the whole Joey situation last night, but today I was takin' it upon myself to have a little man to man talk with him. I knew deep in my gut that yesterday hadn't quite gone down the way she had described it, and I needed him to know that it was time for him to back off. I didn't want any bad blood between me and Glenn's little brother, but he needed to know that his feelings for Kayla were never going to be returned.
I made my way downstairs, but stopped dead in my tracks when I heard Kayla's voice carrying up the stairs. I went down a few more steps to hear a little bit more clearly, but tryin' not to get caught.
"I'm so glad y'all made up, Dear. I have to say, from the moment I saw you two together, I knew y'all were meant to be."
"Oh did ya, now?"
"Don't you sass me little girl. I'm much older and wiser."
"Older yes, wiser, I'm not so sure."
I couldn't believe the way Kayla was talkin' to my gran, until they both broke out in a fit of giggles, and then I knew they were jokin' around. It was nice to hear laughter in the house for the first time in a while. I turned to head back upstairs to check on my grandfather when Kayla's words stopped me dead in my tracks.
"Lydia, is it possible to know someone is the one at such a young age?"
"Why do you ask?"
"I think, no I know Madison is the one. I can feel it all the way down to my toes. He does something to me that I can't quite describe. I can't imagine a life without him. I know we just told each other that we love one another, but I don't want anyone else, ever. Does that sound ridiculous?"
The air got caught in my throat and I was finding it hard to breathe. Obviously, I knew that I felt this way about her, but I can honestly say I didn't think that she was at that point yet. Hearing her say so, just made me love her that much more.
"No it doesn't sound ridiculous. It sounds real and I feel exactly the same." I jumped down the last two steps as I finished the sentence, bounding straight over to Kayla's side.
"Madison Raine, how dare you eavesdrop on a private conversation. You know better than that boy."
"Yes ma'am I do, but it's not my fault she was havin' the conversation with my gran in my house."
"Well, you have a point there."
I bent down and softly kissed Kayla's swollen lips. "Mornin' pretty girl. You ready to go?"
"Thanks for keepin' her busy while I got ready Gran. I'll se ya in a little bit."
"See ya then son."
I grabbed Kayla by her hand and pulled her through the house and out the front door. I turned back and pulled her into me, hard. "You know wearin' stuff like this, knowing I can't be around you all day, drives me nuts?"
"Maybe the point was to drive you nuts." She kissed my cheek quickly before pulling away and runnin' towards my truck.
The wind caught her sundress at just the right moment and I suddenly had a nice view of her tight little ass. A million different emotions flooded my brain in that moment and I couldn't help but get stuck on, jealousy. I knew that Joey was going to get to see her in that little dress all day and I wasn't. She must've finally realized what I had just caught sight of, because when she turned around her face was the most magnificent shade of red.
"Okay, maybe the outfit was a bad choice today."
I made my way over to my blushing girlfriend and gave her a boost into the cab. "Can't say I didn't mind the show though."
I ran around the front and hopped up in. Once I started the engine, I took notice that she was still sittin' over by the door. "Sittin' a little far away, aren't ya pretty girl?"
"Just wondering if you would notice."
"I'm not that dense, Darlin'."
After I dropped Kayla off at school, I had a few errands to run before headin' back home, to help out around the ho
use. Just as I stepped inside the grocery store, I spotted Taryn at one of the registers. I knew after graduation she had started workin' here, but lately I had gotten lucky every time I had come in and hadn't seen her. Today, not so much.
"Hey Madison."
"Hey Taryn."
I made my way quickly through the aisles gathering the things I needed to grab and then headed back up front to pay. Unfortunately for me, Taryn was the only cashier workin' this mornin'.
"So, how ya been?"
"I'm good, Taryn. How are you?"
"I'm good. But if I were you, I wouldn't be so good."
"And why is that, Taryn?" I hated these little high school games she played. For some reason or another she always wanted to get me riled up.
"Seems Joey Green has been goin' around tellin' everyone that him and your little girlfriend have been hookin' up."
I felt my face flush red and my grip on the grocery basket became unbearably painful. "Who told you this?" I knew the exact name that was goin' to be coming out of her mouth, but I still needed to hear it.
"Joey told me himself."
"Of course he did."
"You okay?"
"Yeah Taryn, I'm just peachy. Can you please finish ringing me up so I can go? I got shit I have to do today."
"Sure thing love. You know, if it turns out to be true, you can always give me a call."
I shook my head in disbelief. Only a girl like Taryn would offer herself up on a silver platter when someone else was caught cheatin'. "Thanks, but I'm pretty sure what you heard is wrong."
Before she could say anything else to piss me off, I threw my money down on the counter and took my groceries. I drove straight home, took all the groceries inside and then headed back up to the school. Kayla would be goin' to lunch soon and if I knew Joey like I thought I did, he would be right by her side during that time. There was no way I was goin' all day without sayin' anything to this prick. Brother of Glenn's or not, I wasn't puttin' up with this shit.
I got to the school just in time for lunch to break. They had open campus, but given the fact that there wasn't much around to eat other than the cafeteria, I assumed they would just stay here. I parked my truck on the other side of the school from where everyone had lunch, just so Joey didn't have a chance to change his attitude before he saw me. I caught sight of Kayla coming out of the cafeteria with her tray of food and just as I suspected, there was Joey, arm around her shoulder walking her over to a table outside.
I made my way in their direction, trying not to attract too much attention from anyone. I was curious as to what type of conversation these two had on a daily basis.
"So, you wanna hang tonight? My parents are gonna be gone all night at some function. We could rent a movie or somethin'."
I'm pretty sure I knew what his idea of "something" was.
"I have to work after school and then I'm gonna try to see Madison."
"Why? You guys finally work out your shit?"
"Joey, don't be a dick. As a matter of fact, yes, we did work our "shit" out. Whatever that means."
"So are you two officially together now?"
I watched as that gorgeous wide mouth grin spread across her face, and I couldn't help but be in awe of how she handled herself around that prick. "Yes Joey, if you must know."
"Well congratufuckinglations, I suppose."
"What the hell is your deal, Joey? I thought you would be happy for me?"
I was about to run over and beat the shit out of this kid, when I stopped myself, wanting to see just how far he would take this.
"I can't believe you can't see it KJ."
"See what, Jo?"
I was waitin' for World War III to ensue, but Kayla suddenly became distracted when her cell phone started ringin'. I glanced down at mine to see what time it was. Who the hell would be callin' her in the middle of the day? I turned my attention back on Kayla just as she crumpled to the ground. I ran past a few students hanging out on the sidewalk and jumped over the small fence that separated the outdoor eating area from the parking lot.
"Kayla, baby, what's wrong?" Her face was as white as a ghost and her lips were a pale shade of blue. "Kayla, Kayla look at me darlin'. It's Madison. I'm here. What happened?"
"Dude, I had it under control." Joey was damn lucky I was busy, because if I wasn't, I would have stood up and clocked that son of a bitch, right where he stood.
"I've got this, Joey."
"Kayla honey, can you answer me?" She sat there in my arms with a vacant look on her face. Absolutely everything behind those eyes had suddenly disappeared. "What the fuck happened Joey?"
"Dude, I don't know. We were standin' here talkin' and then all of a sudden she got a phone call. Next thing I know she was on the ground gasping for air."
I scooped Kayla up in my arms and carried her out towards my truck. Once I had her safely in the passenger side, I ran around the front and hopped in, pulling her as close to me as possible.
"Hey Joey, do me a favor and tell the office Kayla will be gone the rest of the day."
Joey stood there nodding his head, arms crossed over his puffed up chest. I swear I was now waitin' til the day that little shit head tried to move in on my relationship, or tried to take care of my girl again.
I glanced down at Kayla as I sped out of the lot and headed towards home. I wasn't quite sure what to do from here, but some how or another I needed to find out what was going on. The only other time I had ever seen her look that way, was the night her momma showed up unexpectedly. And then it dawned on me; she must've spoken to her momma or god forbid, Wren.
When I pulled up to her grandparent's house, I took notice that their truck and car were both missin' from the driveway. I took this as a sign from god and carried her straight up to her room, locking the door behind me. I gently placed Kayla on her bed, tucked the blankets up around her, and sat back waitin'. When she decided to talk, and eventually she would, I wanted to be the one there for her to talk to. She deserved for me to be.
Chapter 22
I tried to stay as still as possible, not wanting to draw attention to myself. Madison was still pacing the length of my room like he had been doin' for the last few hours. I wasn't exactly sure how we had gotten back to my grandparent's house, but I was pretty certain it was by Madison's doing.
Slowly it all started coming back. The phone call, Madison suddenly appearing by my side, him and Joey fighting and then the ride back here. I remember Madison trying to get my attention, but my brain had shut itself down. The only thing I could think of now, was why was Madison at the school in the first place?
"Why were you there?"
The minute he heard my voice, he came running over to the side of my bed. "Holy hell pretty girl, you had me scared shitless. Are you okay?" He was running his fingers through my hair and as soothing as it was, I knew he was tryin' to distract me and avoid my question.
"Madison, what were you doing at the school?" I made no attempt to move from the position I had been laying in, at least not until I got some answers.
"Of course."
"After I dropped you off this morning, I had to go to the grocery store. I ended up running in to Taryn and she informed me that your so-called "friend" was runnin' around town tellin' everybody that y'all have been hooking up. I got mad, and went to the school to confront him during lunch, so I knew you would witness it."
"Yes Kayla, seriously. I have no reason to lie to you. Why are you making me feel like the bad guy in this situation? You're my girl and I just want to take care of you."
I sat up against my headboard with my legs pulled up to my chest. I stared blankly at the wall, falling into somewhat of a daydream, until Madison shook my knees.
"Kayla, what happened?"
"I don't know what you're talkin' about."
"Jeez Kayla, really we're back here already? Not even two days into our relationship and you're already s
hutting down. We promised."
"I know Madison. I know we promised, but this is none of your concern."
"Everything that involves you, is my concern, Darlin'. When will you understand that?"
I sat back staring into Madison's mesmerizing eyes. I wanted to tell him about the phone call, and I would, but right now I was at a loss for words. I was still in shock by the news I had received and I knew it was only a matter of time until the grandparents got word. It would only be a matter if time until they would be all over me. I knew I needed to tell him before he found out from them, but how do you even attempt to bring up something like this?
"I understand that Madison, I do. It's just-" I let my head fall into my hands willing away the overwhelming feeling of relief. I should be sad. I should be crying and mourning my loss, but how do you mourn someone, so evil?
"It's just what? Trust me Kayla, please trust me enough to let me in."
"It was a police officer that called. He was calling to inform me that my mother and Wren were found dead this morning. Apparently, it was a drug overdose. I was noted as my mother's next of kin, so they called to ask me a few questions. That's all."
I knew Madison well enough to know, that he was sitting back waiting for a reaction. Unfortunately this time, he wasn't going to get much of one.
"Are you okay?" His voice was barely above a whisper and I knew he was waiting for me to flip my switch.
"Surprisingly, I'm fine. I don't know if that makes me a heartless person or a brave one. Shouldn't I be crying over my mother being found dead? Shouldn't I feel something? Because honestly, the only thing I feel, is relief. Relief that now, I don't have to worry about Wren coming after me again or my mom beating the shit out of me. How about the fact that now, I feel free enough to live my life the way I should have been able to all along. Does that make me a bad person? Those two got what they deserved in the end. Like I said I feel fine." I was now standing in front of Madison, throwing my arms around like a mad woman. Everything in me that I never wanted him to see, he was now witnessing first hand.
Madison stood slowly and inched is way over to me. I reached my hand out to let him know it was okay, that I wasn't going to rip his head off, but I could tell for the first time since we had met, he was hesitant to take it.